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CategoriesAnnouncementsPerformance Information on payment of interest on coupon No. 9, referring to the bond loan SONAE MC – OBRIGAÇÕES 2020/202725 September | 11:05 Information on payment of interest on coupon No. 3, referring to the bond loan MCRETAIL SGPS OBRIGAÇÕES ESG 30M€ 2023/20263 September | 10:24 Information on payment of interest on coupon No. 3, referring to the bond loan MC RETAIL SGPS 2023-2028 SUSTAINABILITY-LINKED BONDS3 September | 8:23 Information on payment of interest on coupon No. 17, referring to the bond loan Obrigações Sonae Invest/2015 FLT Rate Notes/202413 June | 15:15 Information on payment of interest on coupon No. 5, referring to the bond loan ESG/Sustainability – Linked Notes Programme Sonae MC 21/2411 June | 9:18 Information on payment of interest on coupon No. 18, referring to the bond loan Sonae Invest/2015 FLT Rate Notes/202219 April | 7:59 Information on payment of interest on coupon No. 8, referring to the bond loan SONAE MC – OBRIGAÇÕES 2020/202714 March | 17:35 Information on payment of interest on coupon No. 2, referring to the bond loan MCRETAIL SGPS OBRIGAÇÕES ESG 30M€ 2023/202614 March | 17:33 Information on payment of interest on coupon No. 2, referring to the bond loan MC RETAIL SGPS 2023-2028 SUSTAINABILITY-LINKED BONDS14 March | 17:31 Information on payment of interest on coupon No. 16, referring to the bond loan Obrigações Sonae Invest/2015 FLT Rate Notes/202412 December | 15:07 Information on payment of interest on coupon No. 4, referring to the bond loan ESG/Sustainability – Linked Notes Programme Sonae MC 21/2411 December | 17:17 Information on payment of interest on coupon No. 17, referring to the bond loan Sonae Invest/2015 FLT Rate Notes/202218 October | 11:37 Information on payment of interest on coupon No. 7, referring to the bond loan SONAE MC – OBRIGAÇÕES 2020/202722 September | 9:30 Information on payment of interest on coupon No. 1, referring to the bond loan MC RETAIL SGPS 2023-2028 SUSTAINABILITY-LINKED BONDS22 September | 9:28 Information on payment of interest on coupon No. 1, referring to the bond loan MCRETAIL SGPS OBRIGAÇÕES ESG 30M€ 2023/202613 September | 14:29 Information on payment of interest on coupon No. 3, referring to the bond loan ESG/Sustainability – Linked Notes Programme Sonae MC 21/245 June | 14:56 Information on payment of interest on coupon No. 15, referring to the bond loan Obrigações Sonae Invest/2015 FLT Rate Notes/20245 June | 14:49 Information regarding 2022 Annual Report8 May | 17:39 Information on payment of interest on coupon No. 16, referring to the bond loan Sonae Invest/2015 FLT Rate Notes/202221 April | 12:01 Information on payment of interest on coupon No. 6, referring to the bond loan SONAE MC – OBRIGAÇÕES 2020/202723 March | 16:56 Information regarding 2022 Results16 March | 9:18 Information regarding 2022 Trading Statement25 January | 19:40 Information on payment of interest on coupon No. 14, referring to the bond loan Obrigações Sonae Invest/2015 FLT Rate Notes/202414 December | 15:48 Information on payment of interest on coupon No. 2, referring to the bond loan ESG/Sustainability – Linked Notes Programme Sonae MC 21/2425 November | 17:15 Information regarding 9M22 results9 November | 19:43 Information on payment of interest on coupon No. 15, referring to the bond loan Sonae Invest/2015 FLT Rate Notes/202224 October | 18:50 Information on payment of interest on coupon No. 5, referring to the bond loan SONAE MC - OBRIGAÇÕES 2020/202723 September | 18:18 Information regarding 1H22 Results29 July | 9:11 Information on payment of interest on coupon No. 1, referring to the bond loan ESG/Sustainability – Linked Notes Programme Sonae MC 21/242 June | 16:37 Information on payment of interest on coupon No. 1, referring to the bond loan ESG/Sustainability – Linked Notes Programme Sonae MC 21/242 June | 11:14 Information on payment of interest on coupon No. 13, referring to the bond loan Obrigações Sonae Invest/2015 FLT Rate Notes/20241 June | 16:40 Information regarding 1Q22 Results18 May | 17:54 Information regarding 2021 Annual Report6 May | 13:48 Information on payment of interest on coupon No. 14, referring to the bond loan Sonae Invest/2015 FLT Rate Notes/202218 April | 15:20 Information on payment of interest on coupon No. 4, referring to the bond loan SONAE MC - OBRIGAÇÕES 2020/202723 March | 16:20 Information regarding 2021 Results17 March | 14:09 2021 Trading Statement26 January | 10:50 Information on payment of interest on coupon No. 3 and repayment of capital, referring to the bond loan SONAE MC 07/2020 - 202523 December | 15:59 Information on payment of interest on coupon No. 12, referring to the bond loan Sonae Invest/2015 FLT Rate Notes/202416 December | 15:16 Information on payment of interest on coupon No. 14 and repayment of capital, referring to the bond loan Sonae Investimentos, SGPS, S.A. EUR 50.000.000 Floating Rate Notes Due December 202419 November | 19:29 Information regarding 9M21 Results10 November | 22:58 Sonae MC, SGPS, S.A. informs on Portuguese Competition Authority decision4 November | 17:17 Sonae MC, SGPS, S.A. informs about the recomposition of the Board of Directors27 October | 17:57 Information on payment of interest on coupon No. 13 and partial repayment of capital, referring to the bond loan Obrigações Sonae Invest/2015 FLT Rate Notes/202214 October | 16:20 Information on payment of interest on coupon No. 3 and repayment of capital, referring to the bond loan SONAE MC - OBRIGAÇÕES 2020/202514 October | 12:41 Information on payment of interest on coupon No. 3, referring to the bond loan - SONAE MC SGPS/2020 – 202723 September | 17:16 1H21 Report and Accounts15 September | 12:59 Sonae MC, SGPS, S.A. informs about the completion of the sale of its 50% stake in the share capital of Modelo Distribuição de Materiais de Construção S.A. - Maxmat1 September | 17:18 Sonae MC, SGPS, S.A. informs about the recomposition of the Board of Directors18 August | 16:23 Information regarding 1H21 Results29 July | 21:09 Information regarding additional details about the agreement to sell 50% of share capital in Modelo – Distribuição de Materiais de Construção S.A. (“Maxmat”)27 May | 14:18 Information regarding agreement to sell 50% of share capital in Modelo – Distribuição de Materiais de Construção S.A. (“Maxmat”)25 May | 13:42 Information regarding 1Q21 Results20 May | 19:36 Information regarding 2020 Annual Report30 April | 17:30 Information regarding 4Q20 Results18 March | 10:19 2020 Trading Statement29 January | 11:51 Information regarding 9M20 Results12 November | 14:13 1H20 Report and Accounts30 September | 21:53 Information regarding 1S20 Results27 August | 11:37 Information about Sale and Leaseback transaction5 August | 11:49 Information about bond issuance and medium and long term debt refinancing5 August | 8:45 Information regarding 1Q20 Results21 May | 10:37 Information regarding 2019 Annual Report5 May | 10:51 Information regarding 2019 Results19 March | 9:36 2019 Trading Statement31 January | 16:24 Information regarding 9M19 Results15 November | 12:00 Information regarding 9M19 Consolidated Financial Statements15 November | 11:59 1H19 Report and Accounts4 October | 11:01 Information about Sale and Leaseback transaction30 September | 20:11 Information regarding 1S19 Results22 August | 16:02 Information regarding 2018 Results3 June | 15:19 Information regarding 2018 Management Report15 May | 19:30 Information regarding 1Q19 Consolidated Financial Statements15 May | 19:29 Information regarding 1Q19 Results15 May | 19:24 Information regarding the estimated impact of IFRS 16 adoption1 April | 9:12 Information about Sale and Leaseback transaction17 December | 15:22 Information about transaction regarding the acquisition of a 60% stake in Tomenider SL, wich holds 100% of Arenal Perfumerias SLU11 December | 15:20 Information about Sale and Leaseback transaction29 November | 15:24 Information regarding 1H18 Report and Accounts4 October | 9:17 Information about an agreement with Corpfin Capital to acquire 60% of Tomenider S.L., wich owns 100% of Arenal Perfumerias SLU28 September | 15:26See the information on Corporate Governance. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE