The 7th edition of the Continente Producers Club’s Academy (CPC), a training programme focused on innovation, competitiveness and sustainability of national producers, began on January 26th. The first training, held under the theme ‘Markets and Companies’, marks the beginning of a seven modules cycle that will last seven months, covering crucial areas of the agro-food sector. This programme is aimed at Continente’s suppliers from the most diverse areas: Fruits and Vegetables, Delicatessen and Cheese, Meat, Bakery and Pastry, Wines, Eggs, Olive Oil, Honey and Jams, Fish and Seafood, Milk and Derivatives and Take Away.

During the seven months of training, MC staff, several guests and a group of researchers, who form the CPC Scientific Council and who will share technical knowledge and best international practices, will accompany participants. Participants will have access to theoretical and practical sessions, including the ‘Design Thinking’ methodology, with a view to stimulating innovation and market vision.

At the edition’s end, each participant is invited to present an innovation project, counting on the support, throughout the program, of MC’s Innovation Department.

The first module included the participation of several experts such as Luís Cardeal, from MC’s Innovation Department, Frederico Mota, MC’s Public Affairs, Sofia Catrau, from MC’s Sustainability Department, Marlos Silva, from MC’s Innovation Department, and Paulo Vieira, from the Improve Our Work Department – ​​MC, and also the guest speaker, Professor Tiago Domingos, from the Higher Technical Institute, University of Lisbon.

Ondina Afonso, President of the CPC, states, “This programme aims to accelerate the incorporation of knowledge, providing producers with a comprehensive understanding of current issues in the areas in which they operate. The Continente Producers Club’s Academy transmits strategic knowledge, which strengthens the competitiveness of producers through the differentiation and innovation of their products. MC increasingly wants to contribute to making its partners more competitive and sustainable.

The Continente Producers Club’s Academy is a training programme developed specifically for the Club’s members, with the aim of reinforcing their knowledge of the various areas of the supply chain, making them more competitive and aware of current Retail issues, accelerating innovation, competitiveness and sustainability processes.

Launched in 2017, the Academy already has more than 50 innovation projects presented, including new products and concepts aligned with current production and consumption trends, as well as 10 producers distinguished with the CPC Innovation Award.

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