
One of the great pillars, and success, of our organization is our network of suppliers

At Sonae MC we continuously invest in a close relationship in order to guarantee high quality products and services. Specifically for private label suppliers, we assume the dual role of evaluating and qualifying the partners who can work with Sonae MC and also find improvement points in their operations that ensure greater efficiency and a more sustainable future. Strengthening partner relationships with our suppliers is a factor in maximizing trust, respect and mutual value generation.

4 principles oversee this vision of partnership

· Sustainability· Ethics· Justice· Honesty

Sonae MC's relationship with suppliers reveals very positive indicators

+ 3.000

Suppliers included in our network

+ 150.000

Tons of national products purchased from Continente Producers Club


Purchases made to suppliers with relationship ≥ 5 years


First Portuguese retailer to adhere to the European Code of Conduct on the Food Supply Chain

Continente Producers Club

Continente Producers Club (CPC) is a support structure for Portuguese livestock and agricultural production, created in 1998, with the aim of bringing Sonae MC closer to national producers, from North to South of the country, Azores and Madeira. Our mission is to promote national products following high quality and safety standards, supporting its members, in a consistent and structured way. Producers find in CPC a guaranteed way to sell their production, while Sonae MC guarantees the offer, to its customers, of Portuguese products that follow the best production practices. CPC has been working in favour of the national agricultural sector, creating jobs, fostering regional development, promoting ambitious, innovative and of undeniable economic and social added value projects for our country. CPC currently has 200 members, including producer’s organizations, individual farmers and family businesses producing: fruits and vegetables, delicatessen (cheeses and sausages), meat, traditional bakery and pastries, fish, wines, olive oil, eggs, honey and take-away. To be part of the Continente Producers Club, please contact us through the email:

More information about our relationship with suppliers in the News area