Sobreda has a new Continente Bom Dia store
The new Sobreda’s Continente Bom Dia proximity store opens today to the public, on Estrada Nacional 10, at km 2.8, in Sobreda, in the municipality of Almada. This new space, with approximately 1380 m2 of sales area, guarantees all safety rules to protect both customers and employees, and has Cafeteria and Well's services. The store is open daily from 8:30 am to 9:00 pm.

The new space, which will create 46 job posts, offers a range of thousands of products, including Continente’s private label and the brands that usually make up the basket of Portuguese choices. This opening reinforces the brand's commitment in the municipality of Almada, which now has has 5 Continente stores and 26 stores in the district of Setúbal.
We highlight the fresh produce available, from fruits and vegetables, to the bakery, butcher and fishmonger that the store will make available, with products from the region. Here, consumers will find an area very similar to traditional markets with a very comfortable and contemporary environment, where all information about the origin and characteristics of the produce will be available.
The store’s opening is marked with a 10% discount on Continente Card campaign, throughout the store, taking place from October 21st to 25th.
The local population and two institutions in the region will be able to rely on the social intervention initiatives by Missão Continente, now promoted by this new store. Continente Bom Dia Sobreda will support, with its daily food surpluses, two associations: ‘Aceda’ - Christian Evangelical Social Support Association and the 'Os Amigos dos Animais de Almada' Association – Aroeira’s animal shelter.
Continente Bom Dia Sobreda presents itself as a reference space in the environmental front, as all Continente stores. The new store contributes to encouraging environmental citizenship within the local community, through the provision of equipment where its consumers can deposit used cooking oils, used batteries and cork stoppers, which will later be sent for recycling. Consumers also have a variety of Reusable Bags at their disposal. In terms of lighting, the store has 100% LED low consumption light bulbs, and also has equipment to control and reduce potential excessive water consumption.
About Sobreda’s Continente Bom Dia:
Address: Estrada Nacional 10, km 2.8, 2815-892 Sobreda
Opening Hours: Monday to Sunday, from 8:30 am to 9:00 pm
About the associations supported with the store's food surpluses:
Aceda - Christian Evangelical Social Support Association
It is a non-profit Social Solidarity Private Institution, created in 2001. It seeks to minimize social problems in the municipality of Almada and Seixal. It works with different target audiences such as: children and young people at risk, homeless people, drug addicts and others.
'Os Amigos dos Animais de Almada' Association – Aroeira’s Animal Shelter
The “Os Amigos dos Animais” Association was created in 1982, in Almada. Being the first association dedicated to animal rights in the entire District, it was recognized as “public benefit” by decision of the Municipal Assembly of Almada. The Association is in charge of Aroeira’s Animal Shelter, where it houses about 250 animals, that are collected from the streets or that, for the most part, are abandoned in their facilities.
The new space, which will create 46 job posts, offers a range of thousands of products, including Continente’s private label and the brands that usually make up the basket of Portuguese choices. This opening reinforces the brand's commitment in the municipality of Almada, which now has has 5 Continente stores and 26 stores in the district of Setúbal.
We highlight the fresh produce available, from fruits and vegetables, to the bakery, butcher and fishmonger that the store will make available, with products from the region. Here, consumers will find an area very similar to traditional markets with a very comfortable and contemporary environment, where all information about the origin and characteristics of the produce will be available.
The store’s opening is marked with a 10% discount on Continente Card campaign, throughout the store, taking place from October 21st to 25th.
The local population and two institutions in the region will be able to rely on the social intervention initiatives by Missão Continente, now promoted by this new store. Continente Bom Dia Sobreda will support, with its daily food surpluses, two associations: ‘Aceda’ - Christian Evangelical Social Support Association and the 'Os Amigos dos Animais de Almada' Association – Aroeira’s animal shelter.
Continente Bom Dia Sobreda presents itself as a reference space in the environmental front, as all Continente stores. The new store contributes to encouraging environmental citizenship within the local community, through the provision of equipment where its consumers can deposit used cooking oils, used batteries and cork stoppers, which will later be sent for recycling. Consumers also have a variety of Reusable Bags at their disposal. In terms of lighting, the store has 100% LED low consumption light bulbs, and also has equipment to control and reduce potential excessive water consumption.
About Sobreda’s Continente Bom Dia:
Address: Estrada Nacional 10, km 2.8, 2815-892 Sobreda
Opening Hours: Monday to Sunday, from 8:30 am to 9:00 pm
About the associations supported with the store's food surpluses:
Aceda - Christian Evangelical Social Support Association
It is a non-profit Social Solidarity Private Institution, created in 2001. It seeks to minimize social problems in the municipality of Almada and Seixal. It works with different target audiences such as: children and young people at risk, homeless people, drug addicts and others.
'Os Amigos dos Animais de Almada' Association – Aroeira’s Animal Shelter
The “Os Amigos dos Animais” Association was created in 1982, in Almada. Being the first association dedicated to animal rights in the entire District, it was recognized as “public benefit” by decision of the Municipal Assembly of Almada. The Association is in charge of Aroeira’s Animal Shelter, where it houses about 250 animals, that are collected from the streets or that, for the most part, are abandoned in their facilities.