Information about cyber-attack
MC informs that Continente Online and the Continente Card App have already been restored after the cyber-attack detected on March 30th.
In order to provide the best service, Continente Online customers who signed up for EntregaZero (ZeroDelivery) will have access to an additional 15 days after the end of the service period.
As for Continente Card App’s features, it is now possible to: check and use balance; view, retrieve and use in-store coupons; check movements; check benefits, associated brands and information about stores and also benefit from the stamp book. We expect to have available the remaining Continente Card App’s services soon: recover transactions; Continente Pay and new App subscriptions.
We deeply regret any inconvenience. MC continues to work closely with the National Cybersecurity Centre to prevent further attacks of this nature.
Customer data is not compromised
In the wake of this attack there is no evidence that our customer’s personal data has been affected. This finding stems from the in-depth forensic work that has been carried out in recent days. The bank details associated with the Continente Pay service,, are not in MC’s systems, so this information has not been compromised at all, since it is the sole and exclusive domain of the financial entities.
MC appreciates all employees, customers, partners, suppliers and competitors who showed solidarity towards the company in face of this attack. MC is working with national and international authorities in order to identify and punish those responsible for this criminal act.
Information regarding updates on this situation will be released whenever justified.
In order to provide the best service, Continente Online customers who signed up for EntregaZero (ZeroDelivery) will have access to an additional 15 days after the end of the service period.
As for Continente Card App’s features, it is now possible to: check and use balance; view, retrieve and use in-store coupons; check movements; check benefits, associated brands and information about stores and also benefit from the stamp book. We expect to have available the remaining Continente Card App’s services soon: recover transactions; Continente Pay and new App subscriptions.
We deeply regret any inconvenience. MC continues to work closely with the National Cybersecurity Centre to prevent further attacks of this nature.
In the wake of this attack there is no evidence that our customer’s personal data has been affected. This finding stems from the in-depth forensic work that has been carried out in recent days. The bank details associated with the Continente Pay service,, are not in MC’s systems, so this information has not been compromised at all, since it is the sole and exclusive domain of the financial entities.
MC appreciates all employees, customers, partners, suppliers and competitors who showed solidarity towards the company in face of this attack. MC is working with national and international authorities in order to identify and punish those responsible for this criminal act.
Information regarding updates on this situation will be released whenever justified.