Continente’s Take Away now has the possibility of choosing a specific menu for the Christmas season, for 6 people, consisting of a starter, a meat dish, a fish dish and a dessert, for €10.99 per person. Continente’s take Away offer, which features traditional dishes and made with the best fresh ingredients and without the addition of food colouring and preservatives, increased 24%, in 2021, in the brand’s stores.
‘Boneless and sliced roast lamb with roast potatoes and sautéed greens’, ‘Stewed veal with potatoes and sautéed greens’, ‘Cod fillet with cornbread, baked potato and sautéed greens’, ‘smoked rice’ or the traditional Christmas cakes, such as creamy sponge cake or ‘King Cake’, are some of the novelties that can be ordered from the Take Away at Continente stores, for Christmas and New Year celebrations.
Christmas orders can be placed until December 15th and New Year orders until December 22nd, until the store’s closing hours, either in person, at through the digital catalogue* or through the phone number 210 155 155**.
In addition to the more traditional dishes of the season, there are also some novelties such as vegetarian options. For starters, customers can choose between delicacies such as cod pastries, patties, croquettes, pies (duck, veal and game) and shrimp quiche. As for the main dishes, there are several options between fish dishes (such as ‘”lagareiro”cod loin with shrimp, baked potatoes and sautéed greens’), and meat dishes (such as ‘roast kid with roast potatoes’).
To finish off the meal there are many novelties and, as tradition dictates, Continente offers several desserts, such as king cake, queen cake, “azevias” (filled pastry), “sonhos” (fried pumpkin cakes), french toast, Christmas roll with egg jam, rice pudding and “aletria” (sweet angel hair), among many others.
* Home Delivery, via Continente Online, in the Greater Porto and Greater Lisbon areas, on the 23rd, 24th, 30th and 31st of December 2021;
**Monday to Friday, from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm. Saturdays and Sundays, from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm.
‘Boneless and sliced roast lamb with roast potatoes and sautéed greens’, ‘Stewed veal with potatoes and sautéed greens’, ‘Cod fillet with cornbread, baked potato and sautéed greens’, ‘smoked rice’ or the traditional Christmas cakes, such as creamy sponge cake or ‘King Cake’, are some of the novelties that can be ordered from the Take Away at Continente stores, for Christmas and New Year celebrations.
Christmas orders can be placed until December 15th and New Year orders until December 22nd, until the store’s closing hours, either in person, at through the digital catalogue* or through the phone number 210 155 155**.
“Continente’s Take Away offer aims to continue to be a precious help for the Portuguese to be able to celebrate this Christmas season, at the table, with their family and friends, with a selection of dishes that combine traditional flavours with the quality of homemade food that we all appreciate”, says Paulo Aleluia, Category Leader at Continente’s Take Away.
In addition to the more traditional dishes of the season, there are also some novelties such as vegetarian options. For starters, customers can choose between delicacies such as cod pastries, patties, croquettes, pies (duck, veal and game) and shrimp quiche. As for the main dishes, there are several options between fish dishes (such as ‘”lagareiro”cod loin with shrimp, baked potatoes and sautéed greens’), and meat dishes (such as ‘roast kid with roast potatoes’).
To finish off the meal there are many novelties and, as tradition dictates, Continente offers several desserts, such as king cake, queen cake, “azevias” (filled pastry), “sonhos” (fried pumpkin cakes), french toast, Christmas roll with egg jam, rice pudding and “aletria” (sweet angel hair), among many others.
* Home Delivery, via Continente Online, in the Greater Porto and Greater Lisbon areas, on the 23rd, 24th, 30th and 31st of December 2021;
**Monday to Friday, from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm. Saturdays and Sundays, from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm.