Missão Continente, which represents all of Continente’s social responsibility initiatives, was highlighted by the Portuguese in the area of ​​Society and Social Causes of the ‘Innovation Scope 2022’ Barometer, with a spontaneous score of 23%.

The Barometer, prepared by Scopen, highlights Missão Continente for its contribution and relevance in society and social issues, being that the brand stands out in support to the community, in inclusive development and through environmental citizenship, wanting to contribute to a more sustainable future.

In addition to War and Poverty - the two topics of greatest relevance and concern for the Portuguese throughout 2022 - health, racial discrimination, the economic crisis, climate change, social inequalities and access to education, unemployment and hunger are also highlighted.

Nádia Reis, Communication and Social Responsibility Director at Continente, explains that “for 20 years, Missão Continente has sought to contribute to the well-being of the population, maintaining a very close relationship with the communities and being attentive to their needs. This spontaneous distinction is a sign that we are reaching out to those who really matter, through the initiatives we implement, which allow us to provide very relevant support to thousands of families. Our responsibility, as an active agent, is to create positive social value within the communities we support.

In the Barometer’s 2nd edition, 4,000 interviews were carried out at a national level, distributed in 4 waves over the year, on individuals aged between 16-65 years.

The results were obtained through completely spontaneous responses (Top-of-Mind), which demonstrates the best and strongest metrics that can be obtained in this investigation of trending topics”, says Alexandra Machás, Managing Director at Scopen Portugal.

During the first nine months of 2022, Missão Continente donated around 20 million euros of food products to 1,064 institutions across the country. This support is equivalent to more than 10 million saved meals. In addition to donations to institutions, the company provides food products to employees, through MC’s stores and warehouses’ social areas, which represented the reuse of 3.2 million euros in food during the first nine months of 2022.

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