Loures has a new Continente Modelo store
The new space, which will create 93 jobs, offers a range with thousands of products, including Continente’s private label and the brands that usually make up the basket of Portuguese choices. This opening reinforces the brand's commitment to the Lisbon district, which now has 62 Continente stores.

Portela’s Continente Modelo store presents itself as a reference space in the environmental front, where customers can charge their electric vehicles while shopping. There are two charging stations, where Continente Card holders, who make purchases over € 30, can also benefit from free charges, with about 35km of autonomy.
This new store also has a Fruit and Vegetable area that is 100% free of disposable plastic. It is the third brand store in the Greater Lisbon area to adopt the single-use-plastic free policy, following the Continente Modelo Alta de Lisboa and the Continente Bom Dia Martim Moniz stores.
As an alternative to single-use plastic bags, the new Portela’s Continente Modelo store’s customers will be able to use, in the Fruits and Vegetables section, paper bags (which hold up to 2.5 kg) available free of charge, reusable and washable cotton bags (€ 3 / unit) or polyester (€ 1.50 / pack of two), or bring their own bags from home. Also noteworthy is the fact that, in this specific space, there is no food packaged in plastic.
The new Continente store is focused on promoting convenience and offers a range with thousands of products, including those of Continente’s private label and the brands that usually make up the basket of Portuguese choices.
The opening of the space is marked with a 10% discount on Continente Card campaign, throughout the store, taking place from the 6th to the 8th of November.
The local population and institutions in the region will be able to count on Missão Continente’s social intervention initiatives, now promoted by this new store. Portela‘s Continente Modelo will support, with its daily food surpluses, 3 associations – ‘Elo Social’ (Association for the Integration and Support of the Young and Adult Mentally Disabled); ‘Obra Nossa Senhora da Purificação’ Institution and ‘Animalife’ (Association for Social and Environmental Awareness and Support).
In the new store’s area of influence, there is also support for 26 institutions *, with a focus on fighting food waste, fighting hunger, promoting healthy eating and environmental sustainability. To learn more just access the Missão Continente website.
In the environmental front, it is also worth mentioning the availability of equipment where consumers can deposit used cooking oils, used batteries and cork stoppers, which will later be taken for recycling. Consumers also have at their disposal a variety of Reusable Bags in the fresh produce area and next to the cashiers. In terms of lighting, the store has 100% LED low consumption lights, and also has equipment to control and reduce potential excessive water consumption.
About Portela’s Continente Modelo:
Address: Avenida do Ralis, Loteamento Quinta da Vitória (Lote 4), 2685-252 PORTELA LRS
Opening Hours: Monday to Sunday, from 8:30 am to 10:00 pm
About the associations supported with food surpluses:
‘Elo Social’ - Association for the Integration and Support of the Young and Adult Mentally Disabled - It is a social solidarity private institution, aimed at supporting people with mental disabilities, in the vectors of training, employment, occupational support and residential support, having as their main goal the promotion of their social integration and quality of life. Founded on October 24th, 1983, the Association, with the support of the State and the most diversified support from civil society, managed to build a set of structures where 103 people are currently supported, with mild, moderate, severe and deep disabilities, in the social responses of: Centre for Occupational Activities (CAO), Centre for Protected Employment (CEP) and Residential Home (LAR).
‘Obra Nossa Senhora da Purificação’ Institution - Its mission is to welcome, care for and educate children and young people at risk and in personal and social vulnerability, in order for them to achieve the full exercise of their citizenship and awaken to social responsibility and human solidarity. Its social responses include Day Care, Kindergarten and Home for Children and Youth.
‘Animalife’ - Association for Social and Environmental Awareness and Support - Animalife is a national non-profit association that fights the abandonment of pets by acting against their causes, providing support to needy families and homeless people with dependent animals.
Portela’s Continente Modelo store presents itself as a reference space in the environmental front, where customers can charge their electric vehicles while shopping. There are two charging stations, where Continente Card holders, who make purchases over € 30, can also benefit from free charges, with about 35km of autonomy.
This new store also has a Fruit and Vegetable area that is 100% free of disposable plastic. It is the third brand store in the Greater Lisbon area to adopt the single-use-plastic free policy, following the Continente Modelo Alta de Lisboa and the Continente Bom Dia Martim Moniz stores.
As an alternative to single-use plastic bags, the new Portela’s Continente Modelo store’s customers will be able to use, in the Fruits and Vegetables section, paper bags (which hold up to 2.5 kg) available free of charge, reusable and washable cotton bags (€ 3 / unit) or polyester (€ 1.50 / pack of two), or bring their own bags from home. Also noteworthy is the fact that, in this specific space, there is no food packaged in plastic.
The new Continente store is focused on promoting convenience and offers a range with thousands of products, including those of Continente’s private label and the brands that usually make up the basket of Portuguese choices.
The opening of the space is marked with a 10% discount on Continente Card campaign, throughout the store, taking place from the 6th to the 8th of November.
The local population and institutions in the region will be able to count on Missão Continente’s social intervention initiatives, now promoted by this new store. Portela‘s Continente Modelo will support, with its daily food surpluses, 3 associations – ‘Elo Social’ (Association for the Integration and Support of the Young and Adult Mentally Disabled); ‘Obra Nossa Senhora da Purificação’ Institution and ‘Animalife’ (Association for Social and Environmental Awareness and Support).
In the new store’s area of influence, there is also support for 26 institutions *, with a focus on fighting food waste, fighting hunger, promoting healthy eating and environmental sustainability. To learn more just access the Missão Continente website.
In the environmental front, it is also worth mentioning the availability of equipment where consumers can deposit used cooking oils, used batteries and cork stoppers, which will later be taken for recycling. Consumers also have at their disposal a variety of Reusable Bags in the fresh produce area and next to the cashiers. In terms of lighting, the store has 100% LED low consumption lights, and also has equipment to control and reduce potential excessive water consumption.
About Portela’s Continente Modelo:
Address: Avenida do Ralis, Loteamento Quinta da Vitória (Lote 4), 2685-252 PORTELA LRS
Opening Hours: Monday to Sunday, from 8:30 am to 10:00 pm
About the associations supported with food surpluses:
‘Elo Social’ - Association for the Integration and Support of the Young and Adult Mentally Disabled - It is a social solidarity private institution, aimed at supporting people with mental disabilities, in the vectors of training, employment, occupational support and residential support, having as their main goal the promotion of their social integration and quality of life. Founded on October 24th, 1983, the Association, with the support of the State and the most diversified support from civil society, managed to build a set of structures where 103 people are currently supported, with mild, moderate, severe and deep disabilities, in the social responses of: Centre for Occupational Activities (CAO), Centre for Protected Employment (CEP) and Residential Home (LAR).
‘Obra Nossa Senhora da Purificação’ Institution - Its mission is to welcome, care for and educate children and young people at risk and in personal and social vulnerability, in order for them to achieve the full exercise of their citizenship and awaken to social responsibility and human solidarity. Its social responses include Day Care, Kindergarten and Home for Children and Youth.
‘Animalife’ - Association for Social and Environmental Awareness and Support - Animalife is a national non-profit association that fights the abandonment of pets by acting against their causes, providing support to needy families and homeless people with dependent animals.