Continente strengthens ‘Equilíbrio’ range with new Digestive Biscuits

Continente launched the new ‘Continente Equilíbrio’ Digestive Biscuits, with less than half of the sugars (56%) and 81% less saturated fats, compared to traditional digestive biscuits, after a 15 month development process. The product is available in packs of six individual packages, of four cookies each, on all Continente stores, for €1.29.

This product’s development was under the project "Co-creation of food products with consumers", financed by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology for the Food Area (EIT Food Consumer Engagement Labs) and coordinated by the University of Warsaw. The project had the collaboration of the National Institute of Agrarian and Veterinary Research (INIAV) - project coordinator in Portugal -, the Association for the Protection of Diabetics in Portugal (APDP), as well as the companies Vieira de Castro and Qualiriso.

Before reaching the market, in addition to the concern with nutritional issues, we tried to test the product in blind tastings with consumers, to ensure sensory quality, which is impacted by the reduction of some ingredients. For instance, a lower use of fat may compromise the crunchiness and texture, as reducing sugar, in this case molasses, will influence the flavour. Since no sweetener use was intended, several formulations were tested until the final biscuits’ recipe was reached,” explains Mayumi Thais Delgado, responsible for Continente's nutrition team.

The new ‘Continente Equilíbrio’ Digestive Biscuits have, in their composition, a large amount of whole grains and added vegetable protein, which help to prolong the feeling of satiety and to a more gradual entry of sugar into the blood stream (glycaemia).

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