Continente buys 500 tonnes of cherries from Fundão
Continente will acquire 500 tonnes of cherries from Fundão from national producers in 2021, of which 160 tonnes are of superior quality (calibre 28+), to be sold exclusively in the brand's stores, reinforcing the focus on national production and helping the development of the regional economy, so affected in the last year due to the pandemic. The first cherries from Fundão arrive in stores today.
As usual, two types of Fundão Cherry are available at Continente stores: regular, 24+ calibre, and premium, 28+ calibre. Premium cherries are the best in the region, in addition to being larger, they have a higher consistency and sugar level than normal, which results in a different flavour.
Last year, national cherry suffered a production loss of around 70% due to adverse weather conditions that caused a loss of millions of euros to national producers. Ondina Afonso, Continente Producers Club’s president, says that “we opened the cherry campaign with total confidence in the excellence of Fundão's cherry, reinforcing that which has been our focus on certified regional products”.
The geographical area of production of “Cereja do Fundão” (Fundão's cherry) provides very favourable edaphoclimatic conditions for the development of this culture due to the high number of cold hours during the winter, the mild springs, the wind protection, granite soils and schist slopes, combined with the experience of local producers.

Continente, through the Producers Club’s technicians, works daily with national producers, guaranteeing more sustainable production methods and high quality products.
A source of fiber and naturally rich in phytochemicals, such as phenolic acids and flavonoids, both antioxidants that can have positive effects in the prevention of some diseases, cherries are also a source of vitamin C, important for the functioning of the immune system, including, during and after intense physical exercise. In addition, because it has antioxidant properties, vitamin C protects cells from undesirable oxidations, many of which are naturally produced during physical exercise.
Sales of Portuguese products in Continente stores have been increasing steadily, with 206 thousand tonnes of agro-food products being acquired in the last year from national producers who are members of the Continente Producers Club, which translates to 28% more than in 2019.
As usual, two types of Fundão Cherry are available at Continente stores: regular, 24+ calibre, and premium, 28+ calibre. Premium cherries are the best in the region, in addition to being larger, they have a higher consistency and sugar level than normal, which results in a different flavour.
Last year, national cherry suffered a production loss of around 70% due to adverse weather conditions that caused a loss of millions of euros to national producers. Ondina Afonso, Continente Producers Club’s president, says that “we opened the cherry campaign with total confidence in the excellence of Fundão's cherry, reinforcing that which has been our focus on certified regional products”.
The geographical area of production of “Cereja do Fundão” (Fundão's cherry) provides very favourable edaphoclimatic conditions for the development of this culture due to the high number of cold hours during the winter, the mild springs, the wind protection, granite soils and schist slopes, combined with the experience of local producers.
Continente, through the Producers Club’s technicians, works daily with national producers, guaranteeing more sustainable production methods and high quality products.
A source of fiber and naturally rich in phytochemicals, such as phenolic acids and flavonoids, both antioxidants that can have positive effects in the prevention of some diseases, cherries are also a source of vitamin C, important for the functioning of the immune system, including, during and after intense physical exercise. In addition, because it has antioxidant properties, vitamin C protects cells from undesirable oxidations, many of which are naturally produced during physical exercise.
Sales of Portuguese products in Continente stores have been increasing steadily, with 206 thousand tonnes of agro-food products being acquired in the last year from national producers who are members of the Continente Producers Club, which translates to 28% more than in 2019.