The ‘Plug&Charge’ electric charging service at Continente stores registered a 70% growth in customers throughout 2022 and an increase in usage of 105%, surpassing 11 thousand users. The service is present in 16 of the 18 districts of Mainland Portugal, in 40 Continente stores.

This increase results from the opening of new points in several stores, from the increase in the number of electrified vehicles in the national park, but, above all, from our value proposition: a 100% digital and simple to use solution, with premium charging stations – close to the store entrance and protected from the sun and the rain, with very competitive prices and with an in-store purchases mechanics that allows customers to come and go to the store at no cost” explains Carlos Sampaio, Responsible for the Sonae Energy Area.

In 2022, Continente expects to reach 50 locations and have more than 150 charging stations, allowing the creation of a network with a maximum distance between hubs of less than 100km. In 2023, the goal is to double that network, opening 50 more locations and 150 more charging stations, being present in all districts, “democratizing electric mobility in Portugal and allowing customers to travel comfortably around the country”.

The integration of charging stations in the buildings’ electrical infrastructure has several advantages, such as avoiding the need to create an extra dedicated infrastructure, or the fact that it allows us to use the energy produced by photovoltaic plants installed in the stores, some of them in the car park itself, which is an increasingly common solution. This integration, due to the efficiency provided, contributes to reducing the stores’ carbon footprint, as well as allowing us to have a very competitive proposal for our customers, making ‘Plug&Charge’ a means for promoting Electric Mobility” continues Carlos Sampaio.

‘Plug&Charge’ is a simple and innovative service, for which customers only need to download the Continente Plug&Charge app (and the Continente Card app). In just 1 hour, it is possible to charge up to 200 km of autonomy, from €0.01/minute. Service prices are the same in all stores. This is yet another step by the brand in contributing to the decarbonisation of society, not only by promoting electric mobility, but also because it allows for the integration of self-consumption production, offering a 100% digital experience, simple communication and competitive and equal rates throughout the national territory.

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