2021 Product

Goodbag – The bag that protects the planet

GOODBAGs are organic cotton bags that result from an international project in which MC partners with two NGOs: WeForest and One Earth One Ocean, with the aim of protecting the planet. For every bag purchased, a tree is planted, and each reuse of the bag in Continente stores leads to the collection of ocean plastic. These values are monitored through an app where the customer can track their contribution.

Project Indicators


Trees planted


Plastic bags retrieved from the ocean


Comercial Não Alimentar

Project Manager
Joana Emina Martins

Cristina Braga Cruz​
Tiago Barata Simões​
Nádia Lopes Reis​
Marta Maria Ferreira​
Mónica Sofia Moa​

Tiago Bastos Brás​
Vanda Regina Quintão​
Ana Rita Íncio​
José Pedro Lago​
Rafael Araujo Pires